Inspiring students to do more
Research is seeing what everybody else has seen and thinking what nobody else has thought
Albert Szent-Györgyi
How we do it
Who We Are
Erevna is a 501(c)(3), student-led organization inspiring students to do more. Our multinational, intercollegiate organization operates 100% remotely. From panels for educational discussions and public policy writing, to startup communities and data science research projects — Erevna is extremely interdisciplinary across all eight initiatives of ours. “Erevna,” which is Greek for “research,” is dedicated to platforming student-led projects that challenge the educational status-quo, and encourage students to co-organize events and projects via community service.
The Problem
Standardized testing and textbook-based curricula are the pillars of a typical education system. The main goal of these pillars is to provide students with a sense of college- and career-readiness. However, when student achievement correlates to the type of funds the school can access, when funding dictates institutional instruction, and when students aim to optimize the quantity of their grades and not the quality of their learning experiences, that main goal becomes easily convoluted. Some of the by-products of learning only how to excel in grades include a gap in: connection, understanding, and trust between students and educational administration, and vice versa.
Our Mandate
At Erevna, we believe that “learning by doing” is the missing pillar in today’s education system. What makes Erevna different is that we provide our student members with the flexibility and educational resources to mobilize virtually any project they desire — all while joining a supportive community of fellow student leaders. As a result, the notion, “You get what you give,” is true through and through with Erevna’s projects, in which students have the opportunity to choose which projects they’d like to experiment and contribute to, and how. This free-form structure allows students to explore independent research and build skillsets that they would’ve never learned in a standardized, classroom setting. From project management to community engagement, clerical/administrative upkeep and digital marketing, to programming and data-collecting, students at Erevna “learn to learn” in a proactive way that works best for them, outside the confines of classroom expectations. Especially with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, in which there is a hyperfocus on mid-pandemic grades and pre-pandemic extracurricular accomplishments, students are especially under-prepared to find meaningful learning experiences in a postsecondary education, and/or in the workforce. Founded during the initial rise of the COVID-19 cases and fatalities in the United States, the Coronavirus Visualization Team (CVT) was a project that developed alongside the progression of an unprecedented, public health emergency. CVT is documenting that progression through data visualizations and data science research projects. That said, Erevna aims to provide remote, project-based, experiential learning opportunities for all students.
Our initiatives
About Us
Our structure
We have inspired hundreds of thousands of students across the globe and we continue to grow!
The story behind our inception
When founding the Coronavirus Visualization Team (CVT) in April of 2020, CEO and Founder Lucas Chu of Harvard College had intentions of creating a community-oriented organization of student leaders during the worst pandemic in more than 100 years. Trailblazing the structure that would soon be adopted, Lucas proposed and led the transition of developing an umbrella organization structure. In October of 2020, said umbrella organization, Erevna, was officially established, so as to upscale and support various, different initiatives started by CVT members.
Some of
Our partners
→ Coordinated the donation of 350k+ articles of PPE through Supply Crate.
→ Featured on NBC29 on our EPA Fact-Checking project.
→ Created visualizations to inform NYC Borough Presidents and helped coordinate $600k in PPE donations.
→ Presented research to government leaders from the United Nations, European Union, and African Union.
→ Previously featured speakers include Grant Sanderson, mathematics content creator with over 100 million views, Avi Schiffmann, who informed over 1.5 billion people with COVID-19 statistics, and Dr.Francesca Dominici, ranked in the top 1% of cited scientists in her field and covered by CNN, BBC, NPR, and the New York Times.
→ 2000+ hackers at our events and $40,000 in prizes.
→ Solutions engineered based on economic, political, sociocultural, and environmental issues.
→ 4,000+ students reached through CVC and the Intercollegiate Discord.